Night Noise Tunnel


Creating a Virtual Space from Sounds in Real Life

I visualized audio of a windy night in New York City. This was a result of a collaborative class exercise. Students were told to gather audio from their everyday lives. After obtaining the audio, each student doodled an "impression" of each person's sounds. We got all the doodles from our peers. It was an open-ended choice for whether we wanted to incorporate the doodles into our sound visualizations or to just utilize them as inspiration.

The audio I recorded as I was walking home
the doodles
My classmates' "impression" drawings.

My "Space"

I enjoyed all of my classmate' doodles, so I decided to incorporate them into the "space" I was going to create from my audio. I aimed to capture the feeling of slight gloom with occasional, randomized bursts of explosive noises. Considering how this was recorded audio from my walk to go home, I decided to create a 3D tunnel to represent that the end of the audio signified a destination being reached.

Night Nosie Tunnel