Nebula Wikipedia Book


Nebula Wikipedia Book | An Exercise

As an exercise to hone my editorial layout skills, I used the content from a single Wikipedia entry and created a multi-page book. My goal was to mix text and image, incorporate grid systems and typographic hierarchy, use thoughtful typographic choices. At the same time, I had to heed to rhythm, contrast, and visual interest. The end goal was to create a grid structure and design system that I could utilize through every page of my book. The reason I settled on nebulae as my topic was because I have always enjoyed astronomy, and I knew that this topic would provide good visuals.

pg2 pg3 pg4 pg5 pg6 pg7 pg8 pg9 pg10 pg11 pg12 pg13

The Process

One of the first things that I had to decide on was, of course, which typeface I was going to use. I created four different combinations of the type specimen. After receiving feedback, I ended up choosing Monterey as the heading text and Lucida Bright as the body copy. Monterey gives off a scientific, mystic, and futuristic image, so I felt it would fit with my concept of "Nebula" perfectly. Lucida Bright was chosen because it was one of the most readable typefaces that paired well with Monterey.

type1 type2 type3 type4 sketch